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Cider, donuts & cupcakes

It’s a match made in heaven for two east-side Michigan companies. Cupcake Station and Blake Farms have teamed up to form Bakehouse46, with all five Cupcake Stations around metro Detroit being rebranded. The Birmingham location, located at 136 N. Old Woodward Avenue, next to the former Panera’s – and the first Cupcake Station to open its doors in 2006 – was the first opening for the rebrand in mid-February and has key selections from both brands. Be on the lookout for fresh cider doughnuts, apple cider, and those infamous cupcakes. Todd Gildersleeve, managing partner, Cupcake Station and Bakehouse46, said there would be some Bakehouse46 signature items as well, such as muffins, additional coffee offerings, ice cream, and plans for bagel sandwiches and breakfast selections. Gildersleeve also said that the menu will eventually incorporate seasonal ingredients from the people at Blake Farms. The hours are now quite extended from the Cupcake Station’s previous hours. The food wasn’t the only thing to change – so did the interior. “One of the things we looked to was blending a kind of modern, almost Apple store with kind of a farmhouse feel and tradition that gives homage to the stuff we do at Blake’s...we’re really excited to show the public what these new stores will look like,” said Andrew Blake, president of Blake Family Companies. ­Metro Intelligencer is a monthly column devoted to news stories, tidbits and gossip items about what's happening on the restaurant scene in the metro Detroit area. Metro Intelligencer is reported/created each month by Dana Casadei who can be reached at with news items or tips, on or off the record.

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Birmingham, Michigan

Metro Intelligencer is a periodic column about the vibrant and changing restaurant/dining scene in the metro Detroit area, reported/written by Gigi Nichols.

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